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Books On The Go

Aug 29, 2023

Anna and Annie discuss a recent study on reading to young children.

We wrap up Women in Translation month.  The books we read (or Annie did at least!) and recommend are:

Slime: A Natural History by Susanne Wedlich translated by Ayca Turkoglu

Heaven by Mieko Kawakami translated by Sam Bett and David Boyd

What You're Looking For Is In The Library by Michiko Aoyama translated by Alison Watts

Collected Works by Lydia Sandgren translated by Agnes Broomé

My Devotion by Julia Kerninon translated by Alison Anderson

Sleepless by Marie Darrieussecq translated by Penny Hueston


Coming up: Chai Time in the Cinnamon Gardens and Wifedom


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Artwork: Sascha Wilkosz