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Books On The Go

Apr 29, 2019

Anna and Amanda discuss the Pulitzer Prize fiction winner, The Overstory by Richard Powers.  And Anna gives her predictions for the Women's Prize Shortlist, to be announced on 29 April.

Our book of the week is Spring by Ali Smith.  The third in her seasonal quartet, it weaves together the stories of a TV director and a prison guard with Katherine Mansfield, Rilke, and Shakespeare's Pericles.  Only Ali Smith could manage this in an unpretentious way: it's a fun, witty read that made us think. Described as "timeless" (The Independent) and "luminous and generous" (The Guardian), this comes highly recommended.

Next week, Anna and Annie will be reading Flames by Robbie Arnott with special guest Shawn Mooney.  

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Artwork: Sascha Wilcosz